Rishav Parasar

Problem Solver

Hi !

I'M Rishav Parasar

As a problem solver, I also have a passion for PC applications and i am currently dedicated in learning Java backend development.

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My Projects

Java Snakes & Ladders

The game features turn-based gameplay, dice roll functionality, and a graphical display of the board.

Snake Game Remastered

The game includes high score tracking and persistent data storage to save the highest scores achieved by players.

GUI based Sudoku Solver

The code initializes the GUI components and handles user interactions for both solving and getting solutions.


pySimpleGUI based unbeatable tic tac toe by minimax algorithm.


The book store operates using HTML,CSS, and primarily PHP & MySQL to provide a good user experience.


Created an ATM software using swing tools.


Easy and simple restaurant billing program using C language.

Railway Reservation system

Here is a C code that will help users create tickets for travelers.

GUI based Tic Tac Toe Game

This code is a simple implementation of a Tic-Tac-Toe game using Java Swing.

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